I Need You, I REALLY Need You!!!!

Let’s just start this off by saying weekend (and shopping) does a body (and mind) good. I had a whole sob story introductory paragraph written out that would’ve really been a downer for Monday morning read, so let me try this again in a more upbeat manner. A few weeks ago I said to hub, […]

Retail Can be Fresh, Here’s my Fab 4

I get a lot of texts from friends and family asking where to find _________ (end table, coffee table, lamp, couch, etc etc). I’ll give you my secret, it’s not really a secret. I am a searching fiend. I love online browsing, I love it even more when there’s a purpose and a budget. I have […]

Reupholstering: Stray Thoughts, Expert Advice, and Pretty Pictures

I got this gem of a message the other day: Oddly enough, one day earlier I was exploring a fabric store and was telling my shopping-mate that I dream of finding a really cool old piece of furniture and having it reupholstered. Now, I do not claim to know one SINGLE thing about reupholstering but […]

Lazy Bones: 1 Month Post!!!

I decided to let my hair down and have a girls night in with my bestest and failed to harness my creative juices to come up with a post. Ahh oh well right? WRONG! I wouldn’t have cared any other day…. BUT IT’S MY ONE MONTH SURROUNDED BY PRETTY “ANNIVERSARY”!!!! That’s right people, one whole […]

Style Your Surfaces (Part II)

I forgot to put in the inspirational pretties for the coffee table lecture. Your coffee table could be how you want your home to be represented. So I don’t recommend copying one of these. It could look like a bizarre hodge podge in your home. But these are a great representation of tables styled to […]

Style Those Surfaces, People

A quick way to change a room is to style surfaces. By surface I mean end table, coffee table, console, basically anything with a… you know… surface. Honestly, this is my specialty, this is where I shine. As I’ve made very clear in a previous post, the living room is the heart of our home. […]

Pops of Green(ery)

Disclaimer: I do not know plants very well (at all really). Just like my “design style” I know what I like, it’s how things look. If it’s aesthetically pleasing to me, then I assume it works. Just a few weeks ago I shared my ignorance of houseplants, since then I have been really paying attention […]

My Heart is in the Living Room

Isn’t the saying that the kitchen is the heart of the home? Well, I couldn’t disagree more. Maybe that’s just because I’m bitter and have a tiny kitchen that has zero marble and less than stellar cabinetry. I think the living room/den is the heart of the home! My arguments include the following: Couches > […]

I Spy with My Little Eye: Target

As I’ve said a dozen and a half times, I love home accessories, but I love switching them up more. When hub and I moved into our empty shell of a house we had to fill it, so being newlyweds and completely naive we filled it with the best. We spent top dollah on our […]

Hi, My Name is Stephanie and I’m Addicted to Furniture.

The more ridiculous the better. I just love it all. I used to think that a room should be designed around crazy, kooky pieces of furniture. I think I was wrong. Ok prints maybe (mayyyybe, depends on the print), but other than that, no. These bold pieces should fit right in and not be the […]