I Need You, I REALLY Need You!!!!

Let’s just start this off by saying weekend (and shopping) does a body (and mind) good. I had a whole sob story introductory paragraph written out that would’ve really been a downer for Monday morning read, so let me try this again in a more upbeat manner.

A few weeks ago I said to hub, “I’ve been neglecting the blog, I feel bad even looking at it in my favorites.” He responded, “Well, maybe you don’t need it anymore”. That stuck. I didn’t like it, because LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING, when I’m blue I blog hunt. I love getting lost in the pretty (hence the name), and I wanted to make one of my very own, a blog that someone like me that may get caught up in too much can unwind and just look at pretty. So there. Honestly, who scrolls through Facebook and thumb flicks Instagram and thinks “WOW! THIS IS MAKING ME FEEL SO MUCH BETTER!!!” ? No one. That’s who. So Blogs for President!!!!

I got some goodies necessities this weekend. First, fresh bedding (oooooooooh baaabyyyy), a spankie new winter coat, fresh new work out kicks (down 9 lbs)… and the doggies were bathed (which is always a plus).

Stephanie's Happy Stuff on surroundedbypretty.com includes Biscuit Bedding, Cozy winter coat and some ass kicking kicks

As you can see I’m really into black, so you could only imagine how getting the dogs groomed helped that situation.

Enough blabbing, in light of finding my happy place I decided to gather my imaginary happy rooms.

A fab chair to feel all sortsa boss on……
Stunner midcentury leather chair, stone fireplace as a happy place on surroundedbypretty.com

….and fierce on.
Mixing patterns and textures, and delivering some major roar with a leopard chair makes for a happy place on surroundedbypretty.com

Bright walls and big windows….
Bright white, neutrals, big windows make for a happy place on surroundedbypretty.com
….and a whole tonna pillows to snuggle up in.
Cool grays, textures, and pillows galore make for a happy place on surroundedbypretty.com

Last but not least, luxurious marble with a big ol’ window to gaze out of.
Florals, big ol windows, and of course, marble make fore a happy place on surroundedbypretty.com

(all images can be spotted and sourced on my Pinterest Page)

xoxo Stephanie

One thought on “I Need You, I REALLY Need You!!!!

  1. Yes! Blogs for president! haha! I’m totally coveting thats Eames lounger. I want I want I want! That cozy sectional makes me happy, too! Just the pick-me-up post I needed.


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