
So what’s been going since my last post (before last)? A whole lotta hibernating, a quick jaunt to the Sunshine State Golden State, and a lotta recipe trying. (yes, there was a typo here, it was partially a reference to Dumb and Dumber and partially a typo I couldn’t change due to stringent firewall protection […]

Happy New Year! Happy Birthday! Happy Lady! And some staples…

Last time I’m going to say it, 2013 was horrible. It was happy in many ways (trips, my relationship with the hubster really shining, great clothes, um SURROUNDED BY PRETTY) but there was a lot of it that really weighed heavy on me. Enough, enough, enough negatives, all positives for 2014 and 29. Yeah. Twenty […]

Quick Check in and Mirrored Kicks

So this week was a little busy, which is welcomed. Busy > sitting at home creating a permanent butt dent on my couch. However, this happened. How? What? WHY!?!?!? How, well 25% off at J.Crew code SHOPFALL What? Mirror Metallic Oxfords WHY!?!?!?! Why not. That’s why. And as I’ve said before, I have to have […]

Peek into my closet: Day 2

And now to my weekender gear. I was dyyyyyyyying for this adorbies sweatshirt from J.Crew. I tried it on, hub said I looked silly, so I didn’t pull the trigger. Big mistake, HUGE (Pretty Woman style). So when I went on my Momma and Daughter shopping trip I MADE SURE I nabbed it. I also […]

Closet Dreamin’

There was a catastrophe at Surrounded by Pretty Headquarters on Friday. I picked up some fun pants on a last minute back to school (finally interning) shopping run. Part of my “Shopping Ritual” includes the introducing of my new goodies into their new home. To make it even more special I did all of the […]

First Day of School

Tomorrow is the first day of School (interning). Today is the first Sunday of football. What football season means for…. Surrounded by Pretty: preparing posts for throughout the week Pinterest: way more of it I just renamed Football Sunday to Surrounded by Pretty Sunday, rolls right off the tongue. In other news… I prepared my […]

A peek into my closet: Day 1

Ah yes, that time of the year that will never ever ever go away. Back to school. This year there is light at the end of the tunnel however, I start interning. Which means that maybe one day onneeee day I will be an actual employee making real life money. But until then, I’ll fake […]

Weekend of Fun and Frolicking

It was a long week, a very very very long week. Hubster was working round the clock and I had Surrounded by Pretty and these two by my side So yesterday we decided we wouldn’t do anything we HAD to, and only did things we WANTED to. This included driving to work for him (where […]