Happy New Year! Happy Birthday! Happy Lady! And some staples…

Last time I’m going to say it, 2013 was horrible. It was happy in many ways (trips, my relationship with the hubster really shining, great clothes, um SURROUNDED BY PRETTY) but there was a lot of it that really weighed heavy on me. Enough, enough, enough negatives, all positives for 2014 and 29. Yeah. Twenty Nine. Twenty FREAKIN Nine. Today is my birthday WHOOP WHOOP. I really dislike having my birthday right after Christmas and New Years with all the icky weather without the excitement of snuggling up with family, but it’s kind of like super Resolution Time. I didn’t make a REAL resolution this year, I had a sort of realization a few months ago and am sticking with my new lifestyle. My life is just that, my life. Well, my husband’s too and it’s officially time to live for me and create boundaries, you know, the good kind. The “stop-feeling-so-guilty-for-every-single-little-thing” kind. So that was my “resolution”, however I should’ve added back to blogging because it makes me happy. To my point, while I usually despise this time of year for my birthday, it allows me to redo my resolutions.

That’s out of the way, good. HOW WAS EVERYONE’S CHRISTMAS!?!?!?! NEW YEARS!?!?!

Mine was fab. Hub really knocked it out of the park and NAILED it. I’ve been trying to stop buying the “omg thats so fun” type of clothes and focus on maturing my closet to look fab while running errands as well as going to a wedding. Staples, focus on staples. Great jeans, pants, flats, tops, different textures, materials. Focus on it. It’s a lot more fun to roll out of bed and get dressed for the grocery store this way.

Let’s focus on staples. If you know me, or read this blog, then you know, I am not a regular ol’ wear whatever I have kinda gal. No, everything is very well thought out and everything I buy, I LOVE. If I don’t love it, I don’t buy it. I tweeted this the other day, and I friggin meant it: All women need to purchase Gap Black Legging Jeans. You are formally getting fashion advice from a girl who thought it was perfectly normal to buy $275 jeans. No. I can’t anymore. I’m an intern, I have a mortgage, but I’m not dead. I want to look great and these do the trick. Here’s a pointer, get a size SMALLER than you normally are because these suckers stretch.

Gap Legging Jeans a surrounded by pretty stapleGap Black Legging Jeans

I also specified in my tweet that I’m only sharing this advice because I have multiple pairs, well here’s another secret I wasn’t willing to share until I secured 3 pairs (not kidding), Vince Camuto Seamed Back Leggings. They’re AMAZING. They don’t fade, they’re sturdy (not that sketchy cotton that you can see through after 4 washes), and they make me feel pulled together, despite only wearing leggings.

Hands down BEST leggings on surrounded by prettyVince Camuto Seamed Back Leggings

Next, you need a top. Something that’s casual, relaxed, but with a bit of an edge. Sweatshirts are so in right now and they have such great styles. I picked up this Splendid Faux Leather number. I have it in black but this navy is pretty fun. I find faux leather sleeves or torso areas kind of fold and ripple, the shoulders are a simple accent.

Sweatshirt with an edge on surrounded by prettySplendid Faux Leather

Fun alternatives in case you’re not into being twinsies:

sequin shoulders  //  tie dye (ugh now I want this)  // leather trim  //  leather trim pullover

Last but CERTAINLY not least, kicks. It’s allllll about the kicks. I’ve been rocking the H-E-double hockey sticks out of combat boots lately. I love loafers and flats more than any normal person should, but lets face it, freezing rain/snow/sleet, not a good look. Combat boots are kinda feisty, kinda “let’s kick this weather’s ass” and well…. you get it. I scored my self a Kenneth Cole pair last year for $35. Yes $35. I know. Amazing, I can’t find them anymore, but a very trusty lady friend told me about her’s and how much she loves them, Steve Madden Troopa Women’s Combat Boots.

Combat boots as a staple during this icky weather on surrounded by pretty.Steve Madden Troopa Women’s Combat Boots

Any winter staples (or summer for you lucky blogger friends who are BBQing for Christmas), that you recommend? Something that makes you feel all sortsa sassy strolling down the CVS aisles? Running to the dry cleaner? SPILL!

xoxo Stephanie

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